
MeetAllwaySync·Freeformoderatepersonaluse·EasytouseWindowsinterface·Realall-wayfileandfoldersynchronization·Onesoftware,multiple ...,2018年8月21日—Asupersimpleapptobackup/synchronizefoldersonWindows10andlater,andimportphotosandvideosfromacameraorsmartphoneconnectedoverUSBorWiFi.,FolderSyncisatooltosimplysynchronizethecontentsoftwofolders,onthesamedeviceoracrossnetworklocations.,FolderSyncallow...

Free File Synchronization, Backup, Data Replication, PC Sync ...

Meet Allway Sync · Free for moderate personal use · Easy to use Windows interface · Real all-way file and folder synchronization · One software, multiple ...


2018年8月21日 — A super simple app to backup / synchronize folders on Windows 10 and later, and import photos and videos from a camera or smartphone connected over USB or WiFi.

Folder Sync

Folder Sync is a tool to simply synchronize the contents of two folders, on the same device or across network locations.

FolderSync Desktop

FolderSync allows you to set up automatic syncing, which saves you time and effort by ensuring your files are always up-to-date without any manual intervention.


FreeFileSync is a free open source data backup software which helps you compare and synchronize files and folders on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Download the Latest Version

2024年6月23日 — Downloads the newest FreeFileSync for local installation and FreeFileSync portable for use on USB sticks.

FreeFileSync download

FreeFileSync is a free Open Source software that helps you synchronize files and synchronize folders for Windows, Linux and macOS.


2023年7月5日 — SyncFolders, free download for Windows. Software to synchronizes and backs up files and folders across multiple locations with customizable ...

Top 6 Best File Sync Software for Windows 10 (Free & Paid)

2024年4月18日 — EaseUS Todo Backup is a free backup and recovery program with a strong feature in the file syncing field for all computer users to try.

The Top 11 Free and Open Source File Sync Software

FreeFileSync is an open source and free file sync software available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It compares and synchronizes the data in two or more ...